Help Me Review my Site....

by 33 replies
I have been working on this site for what seems like years...
I am not a full time web designer or anything like that.
But I have spend a lot of time learning how to make good
looking websites...and this is the best website that I have ever
made.ESL Classroom Games | ESL Games

At the very bottom is a blue link to the first of 7 emails.

If you could check out the page and emails if you find the page
good... and then let me know what you think...

thank you warriors in advance.
#website design #review #site
  • I think it looks really good, but I'm a newbie. I did teach English in South Korea for 3 years (2006-2009), and could have used this then!!! I'm back in the U.S. now, so I don't need it anymore. Are you still teaching in Asia?
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Nah.... I stopped teaching English as a second language about 2 1/2 years ago... but when I got interested in developing this website / ebook... it has taken a long time to get it to look this good.

    Thank you for saying that it looks good.

    I am close to selling it... but I have been close to selling it for over a year... so only time will tell when it actually gets all of the clickbank/paypal/ftp files/etc/...
  • The only thing I can think of is trying to market it on the ESL sites. I remember getting my job through Dave's ESL, which is very popular for ESL jobs and information. Yeah, I'm sorry I can't help you on the technical specifics or anything like that, I'm just not experienced enough in that.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hi. Yes...I would like to use Google Adwords on Dave's ESL Cafe, TEALIT, Jainpot, and possibly one or two other popular ESL sites.

      Thanks for the idea!
  • The site looks good but photos are so big that it takes time to load
    Would u like to have a review post about ur site? i can offer u a free review that i will post on my blog
    • [1] reply
    • Coming from a graphic design point of view, I think you should lose the 3D block text (distracting and abit cheesy). The only other negative (and I can't believe I'm saying this lol) is I don't know why you have included those hot girls holding up the signs - it's abit irrelevant and almost conflicting interest (soft porn vs education)....although i did keep scrolling to see the rest of them

      Maybe a pro copywriter would help too, but otherwise, site looks great.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Thanks VisualJu...
    I checked out your signature...
    and if I ever make a WSO...
    I will for sure contact you.

    And thanks for the info... I will take what you said into consideration!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • So the chick with the boobs ................... you think that is going to motivate people to want to teach English and buy your product
    • [1] reply
    • Hey... I have taken Marketing in college... and sexy girls sell more than unattractive people.... so ..... and ... is there anything wrong with the women holding the signs?
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  • it's not bad. well done
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thank you Michaelplies...and thanks to everything who has given my site a good review! I am excited to release it soon!
  • Change your share this video tweet to something better

    "Tweet This Video Now!"

    isnt a msg that would make me want to go to your site if im seeing it on twitter.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • My goodness! How much did you spend on fiverr? LOL

    While some of the pictures could be considered a visual testimonial, others are just distracting from the purpose of the site (to help teachers of ESOL) While sex sells, throwing children into the mix makes it a little creepy and muddies the water so to speak.

    Otherwise, the look of the site is generally good if not a little graphic intensive as tumichael pointed out. I hope this helps.

    Jim Waller
  • I cant send pm only 2 posts. yes.i'd love to. do u have any review article so that i can post on my blog
  • yup, pm me for detail about articles.
  • Banned
  • i mean i can post ur article on my blog. u must have an article ready. pls pm me cause i cant send pm yet
    • [1] reply
    • Very interesting website! But I've got to say that even though your website is very interesting to look at with all the graphics, you might possibly think about shrinking some of these graphics or take them out.

      I find myself looking at the pictures and graphics and not reading your sales text.
  • Well I can tell a lot of effort went into the website and that might honestly be your problem. I honestly can't picture 1 person getting through that entire salespage.

    I also agree that too many boobs is a bad thing. Why? Because sex does not sell in every context. In fact, case studies have shown when its used wrong it can cause the reader to feel tricked or manipulated into reading your site.

    I can attest this in the real world too. A table at this homeshow last week had 5 smoking hot blondes with short ripped jean shorts and yellow hard hats trying to sell window/siding jobs to people. Guess what? Guys would stare from half way across the room but the table was EMPTY all day. Mainly because hot women intimidate a lot of men in the real world.

    On a website, the manipulation is that much more obvious imo. Because you're not soo intensely wrapped up in your own sexual emotions. Its just a picture. A person can preserve their observing ego in that context and understand quite well what your intentions are. And they won't like it.

    If anything get rid of the first girl showing the boobs and get a more professional looking chick up there. Kinda like the second one. But overall it seems beyond overkill and like the whole site should be shortened.

    I just don't think you need that much social proof you should talk more about the benefits aside from money. Try to get some more specifics in there and take out a lot of fluff. I really think its just not an efficient website by any means. And the marketing message needs a lot of work. Look at that guy with the razorbladeclub website or w/e its called. Something witty and humorous is bound to work a lot better than a bunch of sleezy girls holding signs.

    No offense but just trying to offer you some practical help. I do commend you on how much time you must have invested, but I think you could have invested a lot less and had an even better result personally.
  • you have done a great job but you have improve your fonts.
  • You have a great site. But I have a question is your site loading fast or slow? I have stable connection here but if I go to your site it is so slow to complete the page. But all in all you have a nice choice of font and graphics
  • Banned
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for the compliments...and thanks for the ideas
    on possible changes.
    What I want to do is sell to ESL Teachers teaching
    English overseas.
  • Hello GoogleWarrior,

    I hope that you don't mind my honesty. My intent here is truly to teach & not to hurt your feelings. The first thing I wondered was, "What does ESL stand for & what kind of games are we talking about?" After reading your page for several minutes, I figured out that ESL means, "English Second Language". Okay, that's clear - finally. The second thought is, "What is this games stuff about & what does that have to do with teaching English?" I am confused. When someone is confused - they don't buy.

    I'm a girl & I don't mind boobs. They don't intimidate me or anything. The first thing I see is a video - but, no reason to click on it. I would automatically click away before I got to the boobs. If I were to scroll down & see this beautiful woman, I would wonder why she likes the ESL Games. So, that would inspire me to scroll down a little more.

    Scrolling past the dude by the water makes me think this site is a "Get Rich Quick Scheme" & I would click off of it immediately. If I was curious enough to scroll down more (which I can assure you - I would not), I would see that god-awful type that burns through my brain & would definitely click off the screen. My eyes hurt - Really - looking at it.

    I hate to suggest this & I'm not being mean here - but, is this a joke? Is this site really up there to teach people the worst possible site imaginable? I scroll downward, only because I'm compelled to finish my review - to see some epic block type. It's as if you're trying to make some sort of monster film or something. IDK.

    Try to understand who you are marketing to & then go from there. I would imagine that a teacher would be a conservative type. Although they like boobs, appealing to their intellectual side & giving some examples of how they can become a popular & "Fun" teacher would work the best. I hope you can fix your site.

    Best of luck to you.
    Madam X

    PS: Your price is good though. Perfect.
  • Overall nice site...Quite professional...But it is very slowly loading..which is one of the disadvantage..
  • definitely keeps you scrolling down with all the hot girls holding the signs.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    Clean.. I mean overall nice, just little bit slow to land.
    [I am using Firefox 10 and obviously have high speed internet connection..]
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey bud, I like your idea for a product. I bookmarked your site for use when my fiance isn't in the mood. Kidding.

    I'm going to spend a couple of minutes going over it for you. Designing sites is one of the things I do, and I know criticism sucks, but it's also one of the ways we get better. And of course, a lot of it is personal preference.

    I'll list things as I scroll down the page that I either like or that bother me. I'm sure much of it has been mentioned before...

    Header: I'd like to see a great beach with some palm trees or something. The current header isn't relevant to the product. Make me want to be there already!

    Video: I'd rather see some pictures from your time overseas and you talking about how it's an experience of a lifetime and the great financial rewards that are possible. This was boring and I skipped through most of it.

    Hot chick #1: I like it - but I think it comes across as desperate and out of place.

    "YES! LET ME IN NOW": IMO this is too early, I have no idea what your product is yet... I didn't let the testimonial guy finish in the video so maybe I missed it.

    3D Headline: Too much. Go with plain text.

    Copy: Don't center your copy, it makes it harder to read. The font is too bold as well. Go for readability over pretty much everything else. Hard to read = not read.

    Pictures of kids and you: Perfect, love them. Maybe spread them out through the site and replace some of the chicks.

    Big check marks: I'd lose them, not sure what they accomplish.

    Social icons: Not sure of the need here. I want to click them. Either way they're too big.

    Hub page graphic: I'm not sure how it's relevant you have 25k views. I skimmed the copy though so maybe I missed it (but visitors won't necessarily read it all either). Same with the next two graphics.

    I'm going to stop here for now, the page is longer than I thought! Hey, you have a lot of content here and that's the hard part. I think paring it down and simplifying could go a long way.

    If you want anymore input I'd be happy to help, just let me know.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks Shad Ray (Eric).
    I am not a professional web designer,
    publisher, internet marketer... so I do
    appreciate tips on how to improve my

    After I finish tweaking it I will send you
    a PM to see if you have any other suggestions.

    And thanks to everyone who had helpful suggestions
    and constructive criticism.
    • [1] reply
    • Do that, I'd be happy to help.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • all you do is good, but the photo that you put that effect on its load, you can also create client testimonials let your website looks good, and for the articles it better be built like a articles features.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • looks kinda spammy... make homepage smaller.... take out "cleavage" pic something with logo on header and blurry pic at bottom

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • not bad but not totally perfect neutral
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned

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