Joomla or another platform - where to start?

Profile picture of PCH
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Hi All,

I've read the do's and don'ts so I hope I don't fall into those categories.

I need help with a concept more than anything. I want to produce a nice, flash looking, multi page website. I have all the content waiting to be installed. I just need the website, and unfortunately I'm not a website designer myself.

I know that people typically outsource this sort of work, - which I'm happy to do. The embarrassing thing is that (no laughing!)... I kind of don't know what to ask for.

I know what I want my end result to look like basically. Very generally, I want each of my pages to have the same header banner and layout template basically. It sounds simple I know, but what do I tell a freelancer? I'm sure there must be special buzz words that you guys all understand that have obviously eluded me up to this point.

Can anyone offer any (polite - lol) suggestions that will get me started.

I could just offer the url of a site I like the look of, and just say, "do me up something like that". But then I might get treated like a traveller in a foreign land - you know, where the taxi driver takes you round the block three times, - just because he can.

I'm not saying our good people here are rogues, - I just think it would help me make a wiser decision if I were able to describe what it is that I need using the correct terminology to ask for it.

Any and all suggestions gratefully accepted and appreciated.

All the best Warriors, - live long and prosper. Klatu Berada Nikto and all that stuff !

#help a newbie #joomla #platform #start
  • Profile picture of the author msu
    Profile picture of msu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Unless you have something increcìdibly complex in mind you could probably put it together yourself using WordPress, a good free theme and a plugin or widget or two.

    The good free themes allow you to customize the colors and layout easily. Take a look at for info on all of this. Or ask in these forums - lots of people here use WordPress.
    New to WordPress? Save time with my beginner's guide:
    WordPress Step-by-Step
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    I'm a top-notch WordPress developer: hire me
  • Profile picture of the author seoshiran
    Profile picture of seoshiran
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'll go with wordpress...the easiest platform to work with and very flexible.
    Check the Warriors For Hire, maybe you can find someone there that can do the work.
  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Profile picture of xtrapunch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A good web designer will be able to set up a site for you. You just need to tell the designer what is your focus and what you want to achieve through the website. The designer would be able to create a well-structured and SEO-optimized site ready for you to add content and promote. For beginners, WordPress is the best solution. It is the most preferred platform and is used for a variety of complex sites as well.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - <<
    Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

    • Profile picture of the author PCH
      Profile picture of PCH
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      xtrapunch, seoshiran and msu,

      thanks to you all for your helpful replies. No I don't have anything overly complicated in mind. I just wanted a colorful design with hyperlink buttons that light up when you click them, a colorful banner header area. This sounds childishly simplified, I'm aware of that.

      I'd post a url that would give an idea of what I'm after, but I'm not allowed yet.

      Can anyone point me to a site that shows what's possible with WP? I may have to go down that path, or get someone from WFH to just do it for me.

      Hmmm - pondering.


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