Best wordpress plugin for automaticly posting Amazon products?

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What is the best wordpress plugin for automaticly posting Amazon products? And why?
#amazon #automaticly #plugin #posting #products #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Leslie B
    I use either WP Robot with the amazon module, or WP-Amazone. Both are really good, it just depends on what other things I need for the site to decide which one I use.

    Taking it one day at a time!
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Whatever you choose, be sure to add a good bit of unique content - review material or your own opinion, etc. The days of using auto-posting plugins that simply pull straight from another source without making substantial changes/additions are quickly coming to an end (if you want to get organic search engine traffic).

    Think "curation" or "review" instead of taking the easiest path and just repeating by use of a plugin what already appears on an authority site like Amazon. That's a battle you cannot win.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Mak
    wprobot will do the job, but your site will become an autoblog which is not good for the long run.

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    • Profile picture of the author abacies

      Andrew Mak..i would like to know how it will affect for long run? can you explain it?
      Signature your PSD sliced to HTML/Wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author CodeBotics
    You want to be writing your own content, but maybe using Amazon's images etc.

    I have two suggestions - one is biased, one is not.
    Firstly, you could use my theme - it pulls price, RRP, an image and creates a buy on Amazon button automatically using an ASIN.

    Alternatively, you can get something very similar in plugin format, called Amazon Product in A Post.

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  • Profile picture of the author arranrice
    Anyone Else?
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    • Profile picture of the author roycenowx
      Hi All,
      Use WP-Robot (wprobot . com) or WPAmazonProfits (wpamazonprofits . com). About the unique contents - WPAmazonProfits has a built in content spinning system. About auto posting - as far as I can remember, both of these two plugins use WP-Cron and can create posts automatically on your chosen time interval and given keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author vfactor
    you can also go for wpzone builder as it has all features what you are looking for.
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