need some css help

Profile picture of webpeon
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11 replies
I cant seem to find a way to remove the gap at the bottom of the page on a site im building... note the thin strip below the main page footer where the background shows through

the only thing I can see is that its at html level but I am not really that sure, anyone know how I can get rid of the gap.?

[also if you do take a look can you give me some quick feedback on loading times, interested in knowing how things are before I start working on the speed]
  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Profile picture of xtrapunch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Replace your stylesheet code with the following on PasteBin: WF Debug -

    By the way, you must read more about CSS. You need to learn about the best practices for writing style codes. Best of luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author webpeon
      Profile picture of webpeon
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by xtrapunch View Post

      Replace your stylesheet code with the following on PasteBin: WF Debug -

      By the way, you must read more about CSS. You need to learn about the best practices for writing style codes. Best of luck!
      Can you post the part you changed, im working with multiple css files and im not sure which parts youve edited...

      yeah im working with a theme, wouldnt normally use this css approach but im reviewing the platform its built on
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  • Profile picture of the author carrot
    Profile picture of carrot
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    Wow, that is extremely bad markup. Everything has fixed positions and nothing nests.
    I dont know if this is just a bad theme, or pretashop works in a way that you have to use fixed positioning to achieve a new look, but this is well worth avoiding.

    Any particular reason you want to use pretashop?
  • Profile picture of the author webpeon
    Profile picture of webpeon
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    Read a forum posting about different ecommerce solutions and most noted prestashop as the simplest, quickest solution, wanted to see for myself.. I have a blog on the whole experience here on WF

    Not my first choice, Im use to looking at structured ntier .net stuff, not just put things where you want and then reference them lol
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    • Profile picture of the author DigitalDanny
      Profile picture of DigitalDanny
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      float:left; , position:relative; , top:0; , top:-margin:- seems to be used alot in this theme.
      As a previous poster said,everyting has fixed positions and nothing nests.

      I would have considered a different markup since it would be way easier to make it work as you want it.
  • Profile picture of the author carrot
    Profile picture of carrot
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    OK, well whats your requirements?
    What gateway do you want to use - How much traffic do you estimate - what level of reporting and database foo do you want to do?

    There are much more elegent, easier to set up options out there.
    • Profile picture of the author webpeon
      Profile picture of webpeon
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by carrot View Post

      OK, well whats your requirements?
      What gateway do you want to use - How much traffic do you estimate - what level of reporting and database foo do you want to do?

      There are much more elegent, easier to set up options out there.

      I dont really have any requirements.. I wasnt even going to go as far as adding a product an opening an actual store using prestashop, I was in the process of building a storefront on an platform but was intrigued at the discussion in the forum I was reading and decided just for kicks I'd see what the hype was all about
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  • Profile picture of the author carrot
    Profile picture of carrot
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    Ok, i see.
    Well i can honestly say i dont know what all the hype is about, it doesnt look like a great system.

    Unless you want to do enterprise level stuff, wordpress with woocommerce, eshop or shopp will work very nicely, and can be styled exactly how you like.
    Plus wordpress is so huge there is a ton of free support and resources available.
  • Profile picture of the author webpeon
    Profile picture of webpeon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The css is messy but its all inside the theme and can be done differently, which if I decide to keep the store I'll probably look at doing but for now I'm just cutting a few corners in the looks department just to see how quickly I can get something functional up and going.

    Looks aside its a good setup, back end is user-friendly and easy to maintain, there is modules available for all the functions I could ever need and the support is pretty good.. I think regardless of however I do it theres going to be downfalls somewhere
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Junior
    Warrior Junior
    Profile picture of Warrior Junior
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    Your product looks awesome! Is it free theme you are using? What platform you are using?
    If you are not a designer don't waste time fixing things you are not good at. Leave that to professional. You can get cheap and professional theme at

    Pick one and boom.... live site! My 2 cents

    • Profile picture of the author webpeon
      Profile picture of webpeon
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Warrior Junior View Post

      Your product looks awesome! Is it free theme you are using? What platform you are using?
      If you are not a designer don't waste time fixing things you are not good at. Leave that to professional. You can get cheap and professional theme at

      Pick one and boom.... live site! My 2 cents

      Thanks jr
      platform is prestashop - see my blog for details, no im not much of a designer though I do come from an artistic family. however, from time to time you have to jump out of your comfort zone and do something differently to how youve always done it..

      The theme was free but I ditched it due to bad markup and have decided just to rebuild it from the blank default template and hope I do a decent job, will take a few days but it'll be worth it.
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