VERY Admin Friendly Wordpress Theme Needed

Jacqueline Smith
Profile picture of Jacqueline Smith
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
I have challenged myself to build a website with Wordpress.

I am about as non-techie as they come and have spent the last two days trying to find a very easy (but nice) theme.

I attempted to use one of the WP themes and found it to be not that straight forward.

From my research, it seems that some of the paid themes are much more user friendly.

My hunt began and I hasn't yet ended.

I am looking for a theme for a business (service oriented) website (I do not want a blog).

I don't need anything fancy.....just clean and professional looking.

Please let me know of any free or paid 'idiot proof', 'user friendly' themes.

#admin #friendly #needed #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author RobShambaugh
    Profile picture of RobShambaugh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really think it's a matter of taste. If you're not a techie person, most themes might seem a little overwhelming to you. WordPress, if you can invest a little time into training, is very easy to use once you get the hang of the basics. My advice is to find some online video training courses that will teach you the ins and outs of WordPress. And as always, you can Google "Wordpress Themes" and you'll find an endless amount of free and paid themes that will fit your taste.
    • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
      Jacqueline Smith
      Profile picture of Jacqueline Smith
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RobShambaugh View Post

      I really think it's a matter of taste. If you're not a techie person, most themes might seem a little overwhelming to you. WordPress, if you can invest a little time into training, is very easy to use once you get the hang of the basics. My advice is to find some online video training courses that will teach you the ins and outs of WordPress. And as always, you can Google "Wordpress Themes" and you'll find an endless amount of free and paid themes that will fit your taste.
      Thanks for your input Rob.

      I have found many themes I like, however, once I start using them I feel as if I'm in over my head.

      When I'm researching themes, I'm not sure what to look for to determine it's ease of use.

      I have invested in some training......perhaps not enough though.

      Am I being unrealistic seeking an extremely admin friendly theme?
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Lori Kelly
    Profile picture of Lori Kelly
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    I just found a really cool theme that is free and easy to use.

    It's called Redify.

    Here's a sample on one of my sites I am working on: -- I just started working on it. I'm going to remove the widgets on the side.

    Whatever theme you choose, if you need help, send me a PM. I'll help you if I can.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
      Jacqueline Smith
      Profile picture of Jacqueline Smith
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      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      I just found a really cool theme that is free and easy to use.

      It's called Redify.

      Here's a sample on one of my sites I am working on: -- I just started working on it. I'm going to remove the widgets on the side.

      Whatever theme you choose, if you need help, send me a PM. I'll help you if I can.
      Thanks for the suggestion Lori.....I will check it out right now.

      Oh.....and you may be sorry you offered to help!
    • Profile picture of the author exousia
      Profile picture of exousia
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Lori
      Have you done any research on Wyoming?

      Dean aka exousia.

      Exousia :)

      We sell PLR prodcuts to help people businesses learn, grow and prosper.

    • Profile picture of the author exousia
      Profile picture of exousia
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      Hi Jacqueline,
      I am a webmaster who spends his day as an exec lately. However I know of a couple out of the hundreds there are that might work for you. Thesis is one and Pagelines is the other. Take a look at the features and see if they come close to your needs. The framework is user friendly and gives you a lot of play room even on the height and width of your site. Let me know if I can help you further. PM me if you need further assistance. Like others we are here to help you and I can only speak for myself when I say without cost.

      Dean aka exousia

      Exousia :)

      We sell PLR prodcuts to help people businesses learn, grow and prosper.

  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Lori Kelly
    Profile picture of Lori Kelly
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Jacqueline, if that theme is not what you're looking for, just pick an easy one. Like the TwentyTen or something similar.

    And I won't be sorry I offered to help. I enjoy helping people.
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  • Profile picture of the author webpeon
    Profile picture of webpeon
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    Hi Jacqueline,

    I'm keen to give you a hand as well, maybe we could all brainstorm this one out for ya - Im no wordpress pro - coder by nature, want to be upfront about that right now so we should have a similar WP learning level. kinda. check me out at (soo close to promotion stage I can taste it)
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