Website Look - we are getting close to launching site - which looks better??

by 26 replies
I are getting close to finally launching my site.

My question is does the production site look better or the mockup I have done??

Current Production Test Site of Ezead

Note: There is only 1 image in this site - The Logo - all the rest is CSS.

Mockup of proposed Ezead Site

Note: This will require images - if that matters to reviewers

Also Note: Site will be full screen in either version but for mockup made 1280.

Please be honest - I really would appreciate any feedback as sometimes you get to close to see the writing on the wall.

Thanks in Advance to all that takes the time to review.
#website design #close #launching #site #website
  • There no contest for me:

    New Document

    Looks and appears much nicer for me
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Ezeadmedia,

    I’m not sure I can make a selection as both have a lot of issues.

    The most glaring thing for me is that I don’t know what your site is about. The pages are so busy and there is no description as to what the website is for. I see pictures of construction, I see pictures of homes, I see a what are you looking for header. Is this a search engine? Is this a home improvement site? I have no idea. When users can’t see what a site is for, they also don’t see how it can be helpful to them and they leave.
    Even if you did have that feature, the pages are way too busy. Your home page should be designed to drive people deeper into a site and have them complete some sort of action. It is the most valuable real estate on your whole website so you have to be careful with the space. I would take away 60% of the stuff that’s on the home page, add a description and figure out what it is you want people to do when they arrive on the home page.

    Hope that helps,

    • [1] reply
    • I agree about the description bit, and it should be this way all through the site. Sometimes you get a direct link straight to a product page, and should be able to understand where you are.

      On the other hand, I disagree about the clutter. I like a clean page just as much as the next guy, but the most effective way for these sites to improve time-on-site and bounce rate, is to offer as much content and diversity as possible, right off the bat.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Shawn:

    The site is an online trading community - a cross combination of Ebay and Craigslist but done so it is totally Global - Regional - Local and taking it 1 step further offering every neighbourhood in every city in the world its own site.

    And thanks for that - to address that I have added a description directly behind the Logo - that I hope explains it all.

    It actually blows both Ebay and Craigslist away with features :

    The Ezead Advantage

    We will be heavily promoting it and will assume that the users that come here know before hand what the site is - Like Ebay - you know that it is an online auction or Craigslist your know it is a classifieds site.

    We do not expect a lot of browse traffic.

    When people go to a auction or classified site they want to see product and not have to click a dozen times to see that.

    I totally appreciate your feedback and point of view but the format cannot and will not change - was asking for thoughts of which was the more appealing look??

    To date all concerns have been for functionality now want to address design.
    • [1] reply
    • Shawn, I just noticed... Hi, fellow Canadian

      When I saw the domain name, I immediately figured it was some sort of advertising site, but I thought it was for others to advertise on your site. Is this so?

      I agree. People coming to the site will probably already have a good idea what they can do there.

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  • Mockup of proposed Ezead Site is much better than the first one.

    First one has really bad grid design - clumsy looking and random = too much info and not enough white space. People will see too much going on and get scared away.

    Second one has a more defined plan of attack but still has too much going on. Try to have everything blue including select region and the second menu. You want 1 main color with accents and a second color that is your call to action - what is the number one thing you want them to do on the site? make that the only red button to draw attention and get them involved.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I like the new layout better. It looks more organized and less cluttered than your current site.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
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  • Definitely this one: - new look and feel

    It's far more pleasing to the eye, easier to find things, elements stand out better. Love the color scheme. The images at the top look good here.

    The other page looks bland - lots of text without noticeable separation between elements. The images at the top are a bit overwhelming - plus they don't really stand out as well. At first glance, I felt a little lost - searching for what was important.

    The first looks far more professional, too. Easy to spot important stuff.

    Hope this helps.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Whoops! That was wrong. I meant Proposed Ezead New Look and Feel

      Unless you swapped the pages around after I posted. - if not, I'm losin' it.

      This is the one with the 7 big green buttons below the images at the top. It also does not have your added "auction..." line behind the logo.

      I agree that it's the type of business you are in that it looks busy, but I honestly do not mind the busy-ness. It feels exciting and happy to me (cuz of the colors I'm sure), which is probably what you want in an auction site.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • A new site design is crisper, but still too busy.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I appreciate that - perhaps it is our niche that is busy and people are used to that??

    The market we are going for - has the four following main competitors:

    Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More Online Shopping | eBay

    Kijiji Greater Vancouver Area Classifieds: Free Local Classified Ads for Greater Vancouver Area, British Columbia

    craigslist: vancouver, BC classifieds for jobs, apartments, personals, for sale, services, community, and events

    eBid Online Auctions - Buy & Sell in our Fee Free Internet Auctions for Canada

    Our problem is that we offer much more than any of them - so it is a balancing act of useabilty and look - any suggestions to make the site look less busy and yet portray all we offer would be greatly appreciated??
  • Is there any way you could use larger fonts and more space?
    Unless there is an 'above the fold' requirement....
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The new layout is very impressive, did you do all the work? (design, coding)???
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Well thanks - yes it is a hobby that got carried away - but am told too much a perfectionist and should just launch the thing - BUT??????
  • Seriously, they look pretty awesome
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You shouldn't be asking this in a IM forum - try it with friends, family, strangers in the street, etc etc. You need opinions from your potential customers and visitors - not IM'ers.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I tried that and all they say is it looks great as if they do not want to hurt my feelings??

      I actually came here for ideas on marketing strategy, but found my niche is not covered well.

      And figured strangers would be honest - I saw a lot of requests for reviews and most answers seemed straight up so figured what the ??

      But have made a decision to offer the site with themes so will do both actually working on a third future style look and will offer all three so people can choose which they want.

      Solves all issues or so I hope and will track which is chosen and used the most - then set that as default.

      But thanks to all that offered an opinion.

  • I like the second design more, but I do agree with website design about the only having one red button. Other than that, I like the busy look, considering the niche and what the site is targeting.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Looks like a clone script your using.

    Could use some improvement.
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  • The new site design is actually really nice. I think you could make it miles better by working on whitespace and better use of typography though.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I definitely like the other one the proposed one. It looks great rather than the first one.

    I hope this helps you.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • Mockup of proposed Ezead Site looks better.

    It looks clean and professional... Best of luck
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Okay - funny placed the question on design sites and they all preferred the original test site look with a few minor change suggestions - please take a look again and see what you think now.

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