Can Someone Help Me Figure Out What Was Used to Build This???

Profile picture of SJstar
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Hello everyone, haven't been here in awhile.

Anyway...can someone help me find out what was used to build this quiz...

Quiz: What's Your Skin Missing? - Page 1

It's pretty cool. I like how it automatically goes to the next question once you select your answer/radio button. Could something like this be done with just CSS? Any clue to what was used to build this? Javascript?

Thanks in advance
#build #figure
  • Profile picture of the author WebdevelopmentGroup
    Profile picture of WebdevelopmentGroup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by SJstar View Post

    Hello everyone, haven't been here in awhile.

    Anyway...can someone help me find out what was used to build this quiz...

    Quiz: What's Your Skin Missing? - Page 1

    It's pretty cool. I like how it automatically goes to the next question once you select your answer/radio button. Could something like this be done with just CSS? Any clue to what was used to build this? Javascript?

    Thanks in advance

    Jquery/php for sure. CSS is definitely not -making that baby work

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  • Profile picture of the author SJstar
    Profile picture of SJstar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, Will! Thanks for the swift reply.

    I see you have a web dev. company. How much would you quote me to build a simple quiz like this?
  • Profile picture of the author SJstar
    Profile picture of SJstar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks everyone for your replies!

    coffeeguy - I'm on WordPress

    Brandon Tanner - Thanks! I wonder if this will work with WP?
  • Profile picture of the author ernestrategos
    Profile picture of ernestrategos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This functionality is provided by the simplest jQuery function.

    1. First of all it "listens" when you select a radio button.
    2. In accord to your answer you are redirected to another pre-made page inside your site.

    Basically you will include the script inside your theme, through a plugin or will register the script through other WP friendly way.

    And that's it. You will be able to help your customers to choose great products!

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