DAP autoresponder

Profile picture of AriWhitten
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hi, Question for anyone who uses Digital Access Pass...

Can it be used completely in place of aweber, or do you need aweber for something still?

My website guy tells me it can't be used for having a list and optin forms, etc.

"You can't use that as opt in. It will Work only for members to send them additional emails. Otherwise you need separate auto responder if you want to use it to get leads."

(Note: Sorry if this question is unclear in any way... I'm not the most tech savvy guy when it comes to website setup).
#autoresponder #dap
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
    Profile picture of Ron Killian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't use DAP, but doing email marketing through your own website/hosting is not always the best idea. Better to use a trusted service like Aweber. It's their business and they know how to do it. Doing it on your own hosting can cause problems, ect.

    Well, sure others might beg to differ. Just my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author ravijayagopal
    Profile picture of ravijayagopal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Ari,

    Actually, you can very much use DAP purely as an email service too. You can build your list for your newsletter/free product/free membership/free list and sign up subscribers using DAP's free signup form generator.

    And like Ron rightly said, using your own host (especially if you have a shared hosting account) may not be ideal for deliverability.

    But that is why, DAP integrates with Amazon SES - an awesome email service from Amazon (just like their S3 which is for hosting media), and the email is then initiated by DAP, but DAP will by-pass your web host and send out emails through Amazon SES.

    And that's how you can have the best of both worlds - unlimited list size and email sending power in DAP, and the high delivery rates of Amazon S3. SES is really low-cost - 10 cents for 1000 emails sent. And since your DAP database size is unlimited, you don't pay for the size of the list, like you would with Aweber, etc.

    DAP also integrates with Mandrill.com - an email service from the folks at MailChimp - where they allow you to send 12,000 emails a month for free! (see Mandrill - Transactional Email from MailChimp )

    Now, DAP does not come with some of the fancier features of a full-service email service like Aweber - like tracking of open rates, etc. But you can easily track click-thru rates for DAP-sent emails by adding additional Google Analytics parameters to your links.

    See the full break-down on DAP vs Aweber/MailChimp/GetResponse, etc, at:
    DAP vs Aweber

    And see DAP/Amazon SES integration at:
    Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Integration With DAP

    Hope this helps.

    - Ravi Jayagopal

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