Launching New Theme Biz - Feedback Requested

Profile picture of tylerherman
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
Hello All,

Over the last two months I've been working on launching a WordPress theme shop.

Real Theme Co.

I know the market is super crowded but I figured with my marketing experience I can carve out a little slice of the pie. I'm focusing on blog themes.

Anyway, I haven't gotten any feedback yet, as I've had my head down working away.

The store is set up, so I'm getting close to a soft launch. Let me know what you think of the overall design of the site and if you have any thoughts on the handful of themes I have so far.
#biz #feedback #launching #requested #theme
  • Profile picture of the author HA-Dave
    Profile picture of HA-Dave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The site and the themes look pretty amazing, it definitely looks like you know what you're doing. I can't really find anything that's out of place, everything seems be very clean and clear.

    Actually - mm, for me personally, the pricing seems to be a bit high. Especially since it's targeted mainly to bloggers. But I don't know, I'm just comparing it to places like themeforest and other WP theme clubs.

    But best of luck to ya buddy, it looks great and with the right push and niche target, you could definitely make this big.
    • Profile picture of the author tylerherman
      Profile picture of tylerherman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks HA-Dave.

      I'm not 100% locked into the prices right now. I'm working on some new things that will have a lot more features and when I launch those, my minimal themes I may reduce the price on, but we'll see.

      I kinda think themeforst and a lot of other theme sites sell their themes for too cheap and I'm not trying to compete on price necessarily.

      I guess I'll give it a couple months and see how things go.
    • Profile picture of the author brayk
      Profile picture of brayk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wanted to start by saying that your themes look great - love your style. Nice and clean, responsive, and quick to load.

      Originally Posted by HA-Dave View Post

      Actually - mm, for me personally, the pricing seems to be a bit high. Especially since it's targeted mainly to bloggers. But I don't know, I'm just comparing it to places like themeforest and other WP theme clubs.
      But I've gotta agree with this. I've personally purchased between 30 and 50 themes and I wouldn't pay more than $55 for the most premium of themes. I know you said you're still considering pricing and you should do some tests, obviously...but wanted to give my 2 cents.
  • Profile picture of the author Anne Laidlaw
    Anne Laidlaw
    Profile picture of Anne Laidlaw
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    Everything looks good except the first line of your site that says "Real Clean. Real Simple. WordPress Themes." The text colour is too dark to read. But good job and good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author kewkii
    Profile picture of kewkii
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Looking good! My only thoughts are ...
    • maybe introduce a little more white space on the home page between the sections and on the other pages between the headings and paragraphs
    • the breadcrumb trail on the documentation pages looks a little out of place (although I see the need for it)) ... hmm don't know what to suggest though!? Maybe drop it below the h1 and a lighter colour?
    • the last sentence on the 'about page' doesn't read right.
    • there's quite a bit of embedded JavaScript in the html, I'd consider moving that into a separate JS file.
    • are you planning to introduce any social media links / testimonials?

    But as I said it looks good and I like the look of the themes that your selling. Have you created all the themes?

    Anyway these are my thoughts - good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author Adrianhenry
    Profile picture of Adrianhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    These look like very sleak and clean themes! will definitely keep an eye out
  • Profile picture of the author getbestdesign
    Profile picture of getbestdesign
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    everything looks great except for the high price of a blogging template..
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
    Profile picture of Ron Killian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As for site usage, one thing I noticed, it might be nice to have the demo's open in a new window, so visitors don't "lose" you main site. When I checked a demo, i did not see a way to get back to your main site besides using the back button.

    But over all, it does look good.

    I have to agree, the prices seem way to high for what they are. For less money some one could pick up Genesis. Highest price I've for most theme's is $55, and those are loaded with extra's, ect. Not to mention, your sales copy, or theme details doesn't really give many reasons to pay that kind of price. Least in my opinion.

    I think themeforest shows sales for all theme's, how many have been sold. Might be in your best interest to check around, see what similar theme's to yours sell for and if they are selling.

    It's great you have a passion and a vision, but is it really financially viable? Are there enough customers for this type of theme? Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Have you done the research? Are there plenty of customers to make you money? That is, if making money is your goal.
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    • Profile picture of the author tylerherman
      Profile picture of tylerherman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

      As for site usage, one thing I noticed, it might be nice to have the demo's open in a new window, so visitors don't "lose" you main site. When I checked a demo, i did not see a way to get back to your main site besides using the back button.

      But over all, it does look good.

      I have to agree, the prices seem way to high for what they are. For less money some one could pick up Genesis. Highest price I've for most theme's is $55, and those are loaded with extra's, ect. Not to mention, your sales copy, or theme details doesn't really give many reasons to pay that kind of price. Least in my opinion.

      I think themeforest shows sales for all theme's, how many have been sold. Might be in your best interest to check around, see what similar theme's to yours sell for and if they are selling.

      It's great you have a passion and a vision, but is it really financially viable? Are there enough customers for this type of theme? Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Have you done the research? Are there plenty of customers to make you money? That is, if making money is your goal.
      Thanks Ron,

      I do need to get a topbar or something set up on the demo to get you back to the site and/or open in a new window.

      I have done some research on prices and how some similar themes are selling. I think it'll take some time/traffic to see how things sort out. I know my sales copy has a lot to be desired. I'll start working on that.
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
        Ron Killian
        Profile picture of Ron Killian
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by tylerherman View Post

        Thanks Ron,

        I do need to get a topbar or something set up on the demo to get you back to the site and/or open in a new window.

        I have done some research on prices and how some similar themes are selling. I think it'll take some time/traffic to see how things sort out. I know my sales copy has a lot to be desired. I'll start working on that.
        Like I said, I don't mean to be negative or a buzz kill. Just seen so many people spend tons of time on things that did not work out. Done it myself.

        Your designs are nice and clean. I've been leaning that way with my own sites lately. Though honestly I have gone the genesis route.
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