Hi I am setting up a WordPress blog on BlueHost using Mojomarketplace and I need advice for a free theme to use. The main feature of the blog will be a different "One Minute Motivator"(quick tip on running your life even better), each day. I plan to offer free subscriptions to them via email thru aweber as well. Also I will have additional pages devoted to selling books/CDs through affiliate links and another page selling book downloads. I will need at least 3 columns.
Can anyone please recommend a free theme that will work through Mojomarketplace(I am not sure I have to use them to put the theme in place) for a Wordpress blog that is free?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Edward Smith.
#blog #recco #theme #wordpress
Health, Lifestyle, Exercise, etc. Publishers/List Owners get 15% for first sale and re-orders (lots of repeat sales) PM ME!