Need recco for wordpress blog theme

Edward W Smith
Profile picture of Edward W Smith
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Hi I am setting up a WordPress blog on BlueHost using Mojomarketplace and I need advice for a free theme to use. The main feature of the blog will be a different "One Minute Motivator"(quick tip on running your life even better), each day. I plan to offer free subscriptions to them via email thru aweber as well. Also I will have additional pages devoted to selling books/CDs through affiliate links and another page selling book downloads. I will need at least 3 columns.

Can anyone please recommend a free theme that will work through Mojomarketplace(I am not sure I have to use them to put the theme in place) for a Wordpress blog that is free?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Edward Smith.
#blog #recco #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author twistedpixel
    Profile picture of twistedpixel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not sure on a free theme, but you should consider picking up "Profit Builder" on sale now (you should have 100 emails about it by now).

    I just bought it and consider it to be the best investment I've made this year (I buy a lot of premium themes and plugins for development)

    It's a plugin that comes with a theme and you can use it on all your sites (crazy versatile, responsive, amazing UI, templates, etc)

    You can also use just the plugin with ANY free theme and set the plugin to over-ride the theme design (css) and create what you want.

    I believe it's still under $50 if you don't buy any of the additional offers. (OTOs)

    The advantage is you get a quality toolkit to build all kinds of pages without coding AND you have support and future upgrades (very important)

    Good luck with your project no matter which way you go!
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