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    The secret to successful plans...

    ceeczar in Personal Development

    In 2 words: plan backwards You start from the expected outcome and think through the preceding steps necessary to reach the outcome I've found this easier said than done, and ... [read more]

  • 21 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How I defeated procrastination and accomplished my first big goal

    perryny in Internet Marketing

    My whole life I've battled procrastination and laziness. Making progress towards goals has never been easy for me. But over the last 10 years (I'm almost 50 now) I feel ... [read more]

  • 168 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    The #1 factor that stops you from getting stuff done

    VeitSchenk in

    if you've (or someone you know has) got big dreams but somehow reality keeps getting in the way (think: "tomorrow is going to be different..."), then you're going to love ... [read more]

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    [CLOSED] Shortcut to *MILLION-DOLLAR* Productive Habit! NO Effort NO Pain, Only FUN & GAIN!

    Erdy Yudanto in

    MORE REVIEWS! Originally Posted by JuliusMoltgen I bought the product and consider it good value. Frankly I wished I would improve my Spanish this way but as far as ... [read more]

  • 21 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Getting Things Done: Time Machine for Time Management Ninjas. How to Increase Your Earnings by 5X!

    bolaji in

    Do You Want to Increase Your Earning Potential by 497% In 24 Hours? Make Other Warriors' Jaws Drop At Your Apparent 40-Hour Work Day! Tina Golden wrote: I hope ... [read more]

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    5 Easy Steps to Stop Procrastination

    talfighel in

    What is procrastination? It's the "I will do it later on, or even next week or next month". Everyone procrastinates once in a while. Here are 5 easy steps to ... [read more]

  • 14 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    Brandon Ellis in

    Originally Posted by PositiveVibe ...This is not a bright shiny object but it is in fact 10x more powerful than most WSOs out there, grab it now at the ... [read more]